Thursday, August 26, 2010

Louisiana Monks Take On the Casket Cartel

For a country as free as the US, I still get surprised by the degree to which even the state governments try to regulate economic behaviour and choices. The WSJ reports that the Louisiana State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors has sent a subpoena to St. Joseph's monks for violating a state regulations by independently manufacturing and selling caskets within the state. I reiterate that regulatory institutions with such long names tend to be useful for nothing. However the membership of this institution set to regulate the sale of funeral merchandise is comprised overwhelmingly of persons with direct interest in the business.

Its nice to see the St. Joseph's trying to bust the casket sellers cartel under the guise of protecting the public and enforcing standards. That the colluding undertakers are so brazen is a sound lesson that the board is largely a conspiracy against the bereaved. These monks should and must win and be allowed to compete.

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