Thursday, December 06, 2007

Why Make Use of the iphone a Nuisance?

Apple has gone from a corporation that designs and makes computers and related software and into other successful electronics products such as the iPod and the iphone. it is while bearing this in mind that I keep wondering why this corporation enters into agreements with mobile phone companies in order to tie the sale of the iPhone to specific networks and thereby restrict their use to networks that the phone manufacturer approves.

This anti-competition device is particularly ill-informed since it effectively compels purchasers of the product to use it on pre-selected networks. This news item on the BBC news site reports on the penalty that users who wish to buy an unlocked phone have to pay. That customers have chosen to pay an 87% "tax" to ensure the retention of the freedom of choice of network should be instructive to the networks but especially to Apple Inc. iphone owners will search for an alternative mechanism to unblock the device and this will happen pretty quickly as has already happened.

Recalling an earlier post here in which Steve Jobs argued against the futility of the DRM, it may make sense for him to review the numbers and the additional costs that is imposed on purchasers through this anti-competitive device. Mr. Jobs knows what the outcome of this unnecessary and expensive imposition will be. My hint: consumers will circumvent it.

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