Monday, January 11, 2010

How to Defy the Terrorist

No doubt it is worthy of stating again that I think that the bunch of killers who hide in mountain caves and come out once in a while to announce that they have succeeded in killing multitudes of people deserve nothing but contempt for their cowardice. What the rest of society forgets is that our reaction determined to a large extent whether such people and their followers remain as heroes or are successfully defied. This discussion is relevant following the attempt by another terrorist to blow up a passenger airliner.

True to its reputation as a broken political system, politicians in the US led with all manner of overstatement about failures that hand over the initiative to terrorists. I find that Fareed Zakaria's piece in the Washington Post here is required reading for every person who understands the purpose and objective of the cave-dwelling cowards.

My own small chance of defying terror came about when i chose to make a trip to India in December 2008 right after the Mumbai killings partly summarized on Wikipedia. As the resident of a totally different continent, I figured that the deaths had occurred but the best way to deflate the euphoria among the killers is not to change travel plans that involved going to New Delhi through Mumbai. This does not make me particularly brave but at least I refused to be terrorized by a small-minded man attempting to alter my plans through public terror.

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