Monday, April 06, 2009

Quoting Ben Goldacre

"If there is one great joy to be derived from scanning the scientific literature over a week, it is the barrage of studies that challenge your beliefs and preconceptions, demonstrating the weakness of intuition: because if we knew all the answers to start with, there would be no point in doing research". Ben Goldacre

I find that the regular column by Ben Goldacre in the Guardian is one of the most informative pieces of popular writing covering scientific findings and their interpretation that I can find and read. The quite above is not only well crafted but emphasizes the need for research and also that not anything that is called science is necessarilly rigorously conducted and worthy of considering for the purposes of policy or information. The column Bad Science highlights not only the large amount of junk science that is available out there but also the inability of the press corps to cover scientific findings properly.

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