Tuesday, March 03, 2009

ECIPE's Blog

There are thousands of blogs that discuss issues of economic theory, policy and public policy. It would seem as if the blogs that should be established are already established. However, this is an area where in spite of the existence of mediocre blogs, there's no loss from the establishment of one that stands above the rest. The blog roll here is representative of some of the best and most popular blogs that i know of too.

European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) has established a new blog on which there will be regular posting from Razeen Sally and Frederik Erixon. So I am glad that there a new blog out there that's worth reading and which I will shortly add to the blog roll for bookish posts. Judging from its name, Trade Matters, one can tell that it is primarily concerned with trade policy and other matters of international goods and services exchange. having encountered Razeen Sally's writings on the WTO and international trade architecture, i am sure that this is one that is worthy of regular reading. the blog is also established at the right time because of the apparent push back in reforms coming from the misinformed view that the financial crisis and subsequent recession is a manifestation of the failure of open markets and liberalized economy.

In my view, the blog is very aptly named for trade really matters and I find it curious that the phrase has two possible meanings. the first is the sense that the subject matter will be trade while the alternative is that trade is essential. Both are true and that's all that matters.

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