Thursday, August 21, 2008

Coase Theorem Applied to Jersey Numbers

It is difficult to understand why but a large number of athletes maintain the odd belief that certain numbers are lucky and they often choose those to mark their team jerseys. I have not come across a widespread study showing whether certain digits are more valued than others but a story by Doug Glanville, a guest columnist at the NYT here reminds me that it sometimes happens when two athletes are drawn to the same number.

Such a clash in coincidental demand for the same number because sports often involves transfer of high profile players who may wish to retain their preferred jersey numbers that is already assigned to a another players. Fortunately, it appears that while some sportsmen have learned to trade away the number for extra coaching, cash or other gifts. Whether they are aware of the fact that they are applying the Coase Theorem or not, I am sure that Ronald Coase would be impressed. The assumption here is that the athlete who gives up the number bears the externality of letting go of the luck that comes with the favored number.

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